If your digital environment is messy and chaotic, here are some things you can try to re-establish some order!
Uninstall unused apps
Check through your apps. If you can’t recall using something in in the last year, it’s probably time to get rid. Remember uninstalling is different than just deleting a shortcut. Uninstalling programs frees up space on your hard drive.
Declutter your home screen or desktop
Is your screen full of random floating digital footprints from all the places you’ve visited over the last year? Unless you regularly use a specific shortcut, its time clear out many of those messy icons. Just like tidying your physical workspace, having a clutter free digital workspace will make you more feel more focussed.
Unclog your web browser
If your web browser feels a bit sluggish, there are three easy things you can do to improve its performance: clear history, delete cookies and disable any unrequired plugins. You’ll be surprised the difference these easy actions can make to your online browsing experience.
Thin out your downloads folder
It’s really easy for your downloads folder to get bloated and take up loads of hard drive space. Removing any unwanted stuff in here will free up space on your drive and potentially speed up your system.
Organise your photos
It’s so easy to take photos these days. But do you need to keep them all? You wouldn’t put bad photos in a physical photo album. So likewise, you don’t need to keep them just because there is space on your hard drive. Holding onto poor quality photos makes it more difficult to find the good ones when you need them. Be more ruthless!
Unsubscribe from email lists
You know those emails which you delete without even opening or reading? Well, they’re the ones you may as well unsubscribe from. You’ll lighten the load on your in box and get back some time each day.
Also experiment with rules. If you regularly get emails from a certain person or company that you need to keep, try creating a rule to auto-move their emails into a separate folder so that you don’t have to read them immediately.
Create and organise folders
Once you have cleared out everything you don’t need, the next recommendation is to organise everything properly, put all your files and documents into folders and make the folder names make sense for the content inside them.
Limit notifications
How many times as day does your smart phone buzz, or your tablet ping? If the answer is “too many” consider turning off some of those notifications from social media, shopping apps or newsfeeds. Stick with the ones you really need to know about.
Check for Software Updates
Making sure you’re running the latest versions of operating systems and application software will improve how your device works, prevent or fix problems and offer improved security. You may also benefit from some new and improved features.
Defrag your windows PC
If you’ve got a windows desktop or laptop you may want to do a defrag. The process of defragmentation is the computer’s way of spring cleaning its system and organising its files – as if stacking them neatly. It also helps your computer to open files and programs quicker than before. You’ll find it in ‘System Tools’.
Sync devices and back up
Benefit from the convenience that comes with using cloud technology to back up and sync your files and folders. Losing data or files is never a good thing. Especially if it’s your cherished music or photos Use Dropbox or Google Drives if you want a quick and easy online back-up. Of course, you may also want to fully decant all your files onto an external hard drive once or twice a year in addition to using cloud services.
Deletion of files, programs, photos and apps are the sole responsibility of the user.
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