
Our Service during COVID-19 – 3rd Lockdown Update

At IDNet, nothing is more important to us than our family and community, even more so in times of unprecedented challenge such as the world is currently facing. It is with this continued approach that we take this opportunity to assure you that we are here for you!

Acting responsibly to protect the health of our team, we implemented remote working in March with great success and continue to provide the support you all know and love.

Keeping our network under-subscribed ensures that in times such as these, we can continue to provide you with the fast, reliable service you are accustomed to.

How will lockdown affect orders?

Orders are still being accepted and processed. FTTP & GFast orders are likely to be delayed until March 2021, for all other orders Standard minimum lead times still apply but may be slightly delayed depending on engineer availability where applicable.

Can I still submit an order during lockdown?

Absolutely! Upgrades, Migrations, New provisions, Imports from LLU – all orders are being accepted and processed.

Will the lockdown affect my committed engineer appointment date?

If you have received a committed appointment date this should go ahead as planned. Appointments are being allotted on a first come, first serve basis as usual and are subject available engineer resources during this time.

What should I expect on the day?

Openreach engineers are employing a safe practice process following the Covid-19 guidelines.

The attending engineer will work up to the socket and within the allotted 1 hour slot time only.

If an installation can be carried out remotely without the need to visit the premises, they may elect to do so – e.g. if you have an existing unused socket which can be utilised and activated remotely. In this instance, you may receive a phone call from the engineer to check the line has dial tone.

You may receive a call before the engineer attends to check if anyone on site has or has recently had symptoms.

To help ensure the appointment goes ahead smoothly you can prepare for the engineer arrival by:

  • Making sure there is clear access to the premises
  • Ensure the room in which the engineer will be working is well ventilated
  • Ensure you have a mask ready to wear when they arrive
  • Maintain 2m distance at all times
  • Only 1 person should be in the same room as the engineer at any one time – ask other members of the household to move to another room.
  • If the engineer is not wearing a mask/gloves and you wish them to do so, you only have to ask and they should comply.

An Openreach short video explaining what to expect can be seen here:

Terminating service due to Covid-19? We’re here to help!

We appreciate the impact Covid-19 is having on many of you, especially small business owners. Some of you have been in touch to advise you have no choice but to close your offices/shops and need to terminate Broadband and Telephone services until the situation passes.

To help make the situation more bearable, we have decided to absorb the standard activation fees for returning customers who terminated due to Covid-19, helping you get back on-line and up to speed as painlessly as possible.

If you find you need to terminate a service during this time, please email so we can help you with the arrangements. And remember, we will be here for you when you are ready to re open.

Further Updates

We will of course keep our customers updated with any changes to processes via our page here:

Contacting IDNet

As ever, we remain available at and 0800 331 7000 should you need us.

We will continue to post updates and content on our website and social media channels and will be available as standard if you want to get in touch:

Sales, Provisions, General queries – 0800hrs-1700hrs working week days at and 0800 331 7000

Technical Support – 24/7, 365 on 0800 331 7000 or email during business hours

It’s important at this time, that the IDNet family stays strong and positive which we can do more effectively if we stay connected.

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